Use external builders to generate different formats (``build.commands``) ======================================================================== * Use ``zundler`` to create the HTMLZip version * Use ``SimplePDF`` to generate the PDF version * Use regular ``sphinx-build -b epub`` to build ePUB version .. note:: This documentation has the flyout menu integrated even when using ``build.commands``. This is because the ``readthedocs-sphinx-ext`` extension was manually installed on purpose. ---- Read the Docs ``.readthedocs.yaml`` configuration file used to build this docs. .. literalinclude:: ../.readthedocs.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: ---- ``requirements.txt`` used to build these docs. .. literalinclude:: ../requirements.txt :linenos: ---- Sphinx configuration file used to build this docs (:doc:`see full file `), .. literalinclude:: :language: python :linenos: ---- .. runblock:: pycon >>> # Build at >>> import datetime >>> datetime.datetime.utcnow() # UTC